10000436142012 was the year Wm. Wrigley Jr. celebrated Life Savers ™️ 💯 th birthday. On the left is a picture of the hundredth anniversary Storybook. And here are several articles about that event, highlighting the history, packaging for the anniversary, and Wrigley's efforts to engage their customers in philanthropy.

Chattanooga (TN) Times Free Press - then, as now, they produced Life Savers' mint flavors, made of "pressed dextrose."


Candy Industry magazine -


CSP Daily News -



Life Savers™️ is a trademarked name currently owned in the US by Mars Wrigley Confectionery, having been owned and/or licensed by many previous companies, varying by country.
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All pictures are ©️ by Karen Smith-Will and may not be used without written permission.