The Consulting Arts

ValfamTCA1000042139The Consulting Arts spawns environments that are catalysts for creativity, focusing on piano, voice, creativity coaching, art and writing. Karen Smith-Will teaches students of all ages and with various learning styles, disabilities, and health concerns. Typically her students' ages range from 5-100, and accommodations can be made for exceptional students.

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Why music?

1000046291Back in 2021, after a Maggie L. Walker Governor's school raffle, Evan took a couple piano lessons to test it out...and he never stopped. 

We're excited about all his musical projects, including his first tour in 2023.

1000045714Life Savers™️ have originally showed up in our Vintagativy section. Its Blog also includes a couple articles related to leadership, the Valutivity side of our company (see 2012 and 2011_01_16 in the aforementioned blog). So I guess it shouldn't be surprising that this century-plus product has generated some exceptional art, worthy of our The Consulting Arts section, from the likes of Walt Disney, Andy Warhol, and beyond.

⭕See also: our Life Savers Virtual Museum.

FB IMG 1693702098312I've created several stained glass windows since the 80s, but I've always wanted to create an original subject for a window: My choice was Regalecus glese, or the oarfish.

Subtitle: A Timeline for the Transition from STEM to STEaM

Tonight, I was inspired to research the ultimate inclusion of the arts into the STEM* domain...vis a vis, "STEaM." While the "a" refers to "the arts," there is an implicit expectation that the arts involves creativity that is anticipated to fuel critical thinking that results in innovation

20230131 220153 COLLAGEPeered through altered views

Snowflakes grow, multi-colored

Hues dazzling, diffused


Karen Smith-Will 

©️2023, haiku & artwork